gallery of artwork, for friends or random passers-by. feel free to comment in any way on the stuff you see.
I have no idea who they are, but they are some pretty ballin designs. The first guys shorts look like they aren't affected by gravity though.
Oh man, how many hours between the three of us? 1000 at least, I would say. Makes me itch to turn it on again, but I know it just ain't what it used to be... sigh. We're getting old, man.
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I have no idea who they are, but they are some pretty ballin designs. The first guys shorts look like they aren't affected by gravity though.
Oh man, how many hours between the three of us? 1000 at least, I would say. Makes me itch to turn it on again, but I know it just ain't what it used to be... sigh. We're getting old, man.
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